Halotherapy is a popular, all-natural treatment for your respiratory system and skin that involves breathing in salt particles while unwinding in a salt room.


Halotherapy is a natural treatment that aims to reduce and relieve respiratory distress and rejuvenate the skin that originates from spleotherapy. Spleotherapy, which can be dated back to ancient Greece, involves breathing inside a cave where salt particles can be found in the air. Halotherapy aims to bring this therapy to the modern world by placing salt into a halogenerator, which then grinds and disperses the salt particles into the air. The concentration of the salt particles in the air is further boosted by the maintenance of proper temperature and humidity levels in the air, to deliver optimal results for our clients.

Benefits & Uses

  • Clear and Easy Breathing
  • Hydration and Rejuvenation of the skin
  • Exceptional Relaxation
  • Relief from Stress

Common Questions

How long is a Halotherapy session?

We recommend a 45 minute session for best results. Leaving you feeling refreshed and breathing easy in under an hour!

What should I wear?

We always recommend wearing comfortable and light clothing for all of our treatments. Not only will this allow you to relax, but you will have a great surface area of your skin exposed to the air to receive the most benefits.

Are there any side effects?

There may be a mild prickling in the back of your throat or a cough. Additionally, you may experience a degree of skin irritation, especially if your skin is very sensitive. This is a good indication that the salt particles have been delivered to your respiratory system and/or skin.

Is it possible to have a private salt session for just myself and my friends?

Absoloutely! We can relax up to 8 people in the room. Or if you are looking to host a small group meeting, lounge chairs can be removed and tables available for setup upon request.

Before and After

  • Before and after comparison set with two images, one before image and one after image, for the Halotherapy treatment.
  • Before and after comparison set with two images, one before image and one after image, for the Halotherapy treatment.
  • Before and after comparison set with two images, one before image and one after image, for the Halotherapy treatment.
  • Before and after comparison set with two images, one before image and one after image, for the Halotherapy treatment.